
Downloaded scenes

Selected scenes
Other scenes

BES homepage

Other Scenes

On following pages wou will find scenes that were downloaded and are not planned to be used within BES project. The scenes are divided into categories according to the number of primitives.

  1. 1-10 primitives
  2. 10-100 primitives
  3. 100-1000 primitives
  4. 1000-10,000 primitives
  5. 10,000-100,000 primitives
  6. 100,000-1,000,000 primitives
  7. over 1,000,000 primitives

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This page is maintained by Vlastimil Havran. It was last updated on 25 June, 2001.
If you have any comments, please send a message to havran"at-character"mpi-sb.mpg.de .